#-------------------int, float, boolean and String, len(), type() ------------------------------
Retrieving each char from String
# String: consider this as a string of characters tied together.
# We can retrieve each character via its index in the String, which starts from 0 till the length of the string - 1
print("First letter in Hello: " + "Hello"[0])
print("Last letter in Hello: " + "Hello"[-1])
print("Last letter in Hello: " + "Hello"[len("Hello")-1])
# The last letter can be accessed by -1 or it can be accessed by finding the length of the string using len() function and subtracting it by 1.
# len() function is used to find the length of the string. We cannot pass an int/float to it.
print ("Length of the string 'Hi Ram': " + str(len("Hi Ram")))
Note that the print function '+' operator is overloaded only to add 2 strings. If we need to add another datatype, we should:
1. Either convert it to String as in the above statement
2. Or use fString.
Similarly to find length of int, convert to string and use the len() function
# type(<var name>) function is used to find the data type of that variable in question.
user_name = "Ram"
age = 5
weight = 5.0
print (type(user_name))
print (type(age))
print (type(weight))
# Although the weight is 5.0, since it uses a decimal point, it is a float variable
# True and False are the 2 boolean values
# ---------------------------- Simple Bio Data Entry and Display------------------------
username = input("Enter your name\n")
age = input("Enter your name\n")
weight = input("Enter your weight\n")
gender = input("Enter your gender 'M' or 'F' \n")
print ("--------------Your Bio Data---------------\n")
print ("Name: " + username + "\n")
print ("Age: " + str(age) + "\n")
print ("Weight: " + str(weight) + "\n")
print ("Gender: " + gender + "\n")
print ("---------------------End---------------------\n")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------End of Day 2 ----------------------------------------------